Missed you all. 🙂 Especially missed the Yule Tarot Blog Hop on December 21 (to enjoy all the great posts, go here). But so many changes leading up to this personal year 13/4 (see instructions below) for me that I knew it was too tricky to make sure I was there (if you publish a Tarot blog regularly, please do consider joining our Facebook group here).
To do the numerological calculation of your personal year and apply to Tarot, add the numbers for the month and day of your birthday to the current year, and then reduce that number until it’s less than 22. You may only have one year card or you may have two, depending on that first reduction. For example, if your birthday is May 7, then add 5 and 7 to get 12, and add that to 2015 to get 2027, and then add those digits together sideways to get 11—your Tarot year would be 11/Justice or Strength—depending on the deck, and 2/High Priestess.
As it turns out, on the 21st, I was ensconced in a little motel in Houston, Texas, waiting for the closing date on the sale of my house (which had already been delayed by various buyer-related issues four times). WiFi I had, but no time to write, what with moving errands and my book shepherding biz to meet deadlines for.
Finally closed on the house sale on December 23, but a detour from our original plan to move to the Northwest was in the offing: It was time to do elder care. Hubby’s mom had gone in the hospital with what may have been a small stroke (they are still not sure). Turns out, there we were on Christmas Eve in Corpus Christi, Texas, free of mortgage, hubby between businesses, me with a mobile biz I could do almost entirely online (book shepherding), and an 87-year-old mother-in-law who was clear-headed and probably mobile with some physical therapy, but no longer able to live alone.
What to do? We went with the synchronicity (the fact that our beloved Northwest USA was in deep freeze also a factor) and decided to stay here in South Texas until spring, at least (depending on what happens with mom-in-law).
Meanwhile, Tarot-wise, I get a chance to actually build my network and my business, both locally and online because of a reduction in living costs. All good, indeed!
And therein lies the significance of this personal year for me . When I added up my birthday month and day with the current year, I came up with 13 and if you reduce further, 4, so my designated Major Arcana cards this year are Death (13) and The Emperor (4). Fascinating combination, especially since there’s a dead king/emperor being stepped over by the figure of Death’s white horse in the standard RWS version of the Death card.
So, watch circumstances trample (Death) all your carefully laid structures (Emperor) this year? Could be, although the big change in my circumstances actually happened at the end of last year (numerological anticipation, then?).
I think my Emperor needs to go with the flow when coupled with Death. I can see the Emperor of structured rule not liking the idea of being jerked around by losses (see him taking that worried sideways look at Death?), so I think the key to harmony in this year is to accept losses, whatever they may be, and see the gift in each one as it opens up possibilities for future castles to be built by the Emperor later. Let’s get busy laying the foundations we can work on while we wait for all the stars to align.
Your Cosmic Whisper Referrals
For a different angle on the personal numerological year and Tarot, check out Alison Cross’s court-card version of the subject here.
Go check out Mary K. Greer’s blog this week. Great take on Lenormand vs. Tarot interpretations of The Imitation Game about Alan Turing (major and minor spoiler alert), the mathematician and code breaker from WWII.
great article I really enjoyed reading your insight. Thank you very much.